Join Us

We are always looking for new excellent team members. You will have the chance to work in the forefront of science in Sustainable Human-Computer Interaction with world leading researchers. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Gözel Shakeri to setup a quick chat.

We are always looking for opportunities to collaborate. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Gözel Shakeri to setup a quick chat.

If you are interested in working with us as a PhD student or postdoc, please send Gözel Shakeri an email. State briefly why you are interested and include 1) your CV, 2) your publications list and/or your latest thesis (e.g., MSc thesis or final year project report), 3) highlight the experiences and interests that are relevant to the work we do with Envirofy, and 4) information about your grades so far. No need for a separate cover letter or certificates.

Apart from the open positions, there are scholarships every year offered by the University of Oldenburg, the University of Glasgow, public and private funders, and stipends.

University of Oldenburg

  • Have a look here to find out what funding opportunities exist at the University of Oldenburg.
  • If you received your Master's degree in Germany, have a look here and here for private and public funders / stipends.
  • If you received your Master's degree outside of Germany, you are probably eligible for a DAAD scholarship. Pay attention to the deadlines (usually 1 or 2 per year).
  • Are you interested in a short-term visit? Check out DAAD as they offer also short-term grants for students studying abroad.
  • If you live in the European Union (but not in Germany!) or in one of the affiliated countries, you can apply for funding to HPC Europa 3. The grant will support your travel and living expenses and also provide you with the necessary computational resources to carry out your project.

University of Glasgow

  • Scholarships through the University of Glasgow: deadline for the opportunities below is 31 January every year. More info about the application process can be found here:
    • EPSRC Studentship: covers tuition fees at the UK rate and offers a monthly stipend. Non-UK students are eligible but note that tuition fees are paid at the UK rate, and not the international one, so you would need to fund the difference using other means. Deadline is 31 January every year. More info here.
    • College of Science and Engineering Studentship: covers full tuition fees at the international rate and offers a monthly stipend. Deadline is 31 January every year. More info here.
    • Excellence Bursaries: covers the tuition fees fully for UK students, and partially (£10,000) for international students. Note that this scheme does NOT include a monthly stipend, so you need to finance your life expenses using other means.
    • Chinese Scholarship Council nomination: the School of Computing Science can nominate up to 4 candidates every year for the CSC scholarship. It is not guaranteed that the CSC will award our nominees, but historically this has always been the case. Our college then matches this funding to create a fully funded studentship (tuitions + stipend).
  • Industry co-funded Studentships: if you are able to secure half the costs of a PhD studentship from a potential industry partner (currently set at £35,000), I can support you in getting match funding from the University of Glasgow to create a fully funded studentship (tuition fees at the UK rate + monthly stipend).
  • Industry studentships: some companies offer scholarships. Examples include: Google, Adobe, Facebook, and Microsoft.
  • Carnegie PhD Scholarships: highly competitive - more info here.
  • SOCIAL CDT: The UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Socially Intelligent Artificial Agents (or SOCIAL CDT) funds 15 PhD students every year. Dr Mohamed Khamis is part of the supervision team. You would need to select one of projects listed on the SOCIAL CDT website, and apply before the deadline. More details about the eligibility criteria and deadlines can be found on the [SOCIAL CDT website] (
  • SICSA Research Scholar: SICSA can provide funding for PhD students currently studying Informatics and Computing Science within a SICSA institution to undertake studies and/or research via Summer/Winter Schools attendance and/or research visits.

There are postdoc fellowships available every year. We are happy to support excellent candidates in their application for a fellowship to fund a postdoc in our team. There are following opportunities (The deadlines were last checked in January 2021, they may have changed since then).

University of Oldenburg

  • Have a look here to find out what funding opportunities exist at the University of Oldenburg.
  • If you received your Ph.D. degree ouside Germany and you haven't lived in Germany for the past two years, you are eligible for following prestigious grants:
    • The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors two-year post-doctoral fellowships of outstanding young scientists who want to continue their research career in Germany. Applications can be submitted at any time and typically require half a year to be evaluated.
    • The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action of the European Union grants individual fellowships to excellent young scientists for up to two years. Check the annual deadline on the portal!
    • The Walter Benjamin Programme of the DFG sponsors post-doctoral fellowships up to two years. Applications can be submitted at any time.
  • If you received your Ph.D. in Germany and you want to continue with your post-doctoral career in this country, the most viable option for funding is a DFG research grant.
  • DAAD offers also short-term grants for researchers from all around the world. It has also an appealing program for reinvitation of former alumni!
  • If you live in the European Union (but not in Germany!) or in one of the affiliated countries, you can apply for funding to HPC Europa 3. The grant will support your travel and living expenses and also provide you with the necessary computational resources to carry out your project.

University of Glasgow

Are you interested in a research visit to either the University of Oldenburg or Glasgow? Have a chat with Gözel to see what you can collaborate on.

University of Oldenburg

  • Check out the official Funding and Advice page of the University of Oldenburg to see what exists.
  • DAAD offers also short-term grants for students studying abroad.
  • If you live in the European Union (outside of Germany) or in one of the affiliated countries, you can apply for funding to HPC Europa 3. The grant will support your travel and living expenses and also provide you with the necessary computational resources.
  • DAAD offers also short-term grants for researchers from all around the world.

University of Glasgow

  • SICSA offers many different sponsorships for visiting researchers.

If you are a student at either the University of Oldenburg or Glasgow, and you are looking for a Bachelor, Master or a Level 4 final year project, contact Gözel Shakeri. We have tons of ideas for you to work on Sustainable HCI topics. You are also encouraged to bring your own research ideas.

There are various funding schemes available for projects.

University of Oldenburg

  • Check out the official Funding and Advice page of the University of Oldenburg to see what exists.
  • If you live in the European Union (but not in Germany!) or in one of the affiliated states, you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant to visit us for an internship.
  • If you don't live in Germany, you can look for funding opportunities for a short-term grant on the DAAD portal.

University of Glasgow

  • SICSA offers many different sponsorships for students.