Envirofy is the first science-based web browser extension that calculates the carbon footprints of foods for you.

Food choices can have a big impact on climate change as around 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to the food sector. However, changing our diet could reduce this by 49%. We’ve developed Envirofy to support you in lowering your diet’s carbon footprint. For our vision of a "greener" future to come true, we need everybody's support.

University of Oldenburg
University of Glasgow
University of Bristol

How it Works

By Using Envirofy You:

Save Time

Envirofy automatically computes the carbon footprints of foods for your, helping you in lowering your impact.

Save Effort

Envirofy supports you in buying eco-friendly foods, through a range of science-based techniques.

Save the World

Every person counts.
Every shop counts.
Install Envirofy now.

Our Ethos

We value transparency above all. On the project page you can learn who we collaborate with, what funding we receive, and read up on our publications. As our code base is open source, you can check out how we programmed Envirofy.