Dr Gözel Shakeri

I am a sustainable digitalisation researcher with 9+ years of experience. My research and teaching focus on the design, the implementation, adoption, and evaluation of digital systems across all three axes of sustainability (society, environment, economy). I hold a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and an MSc in Artificial Intelligence (AI). In Jan 2024, I transitioned into Sustainable Business Consulting.

I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis in spring 2020 at the University of Glasgow. From 2019 - 2021, I was a post-doctoral research associate at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. From 2021 - 2023, I worked as a research fellow at the Department of Computing Science at the Carl von Ossietzky University.

I published: 15 conference and journal papers with 4 at the premier (A*) international conference of Human-Computer Interaction CHI; 5 short papers (2 at CHI), 5 workshop papers (4 at CHI), and 7 reports. I target my work at top venues in my field.


I secured a total of 610k € in research funding.


  • 2023. I received an award for outstanding young scientists from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
  • 2021. I participated in the UN Game Changers Lab. The lab was a global Solutions Accelerator programme which produced 24 Action Agendas that were presented at the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, I was part of Cohort 21: building food literacy through education.
  • 2020. SICSA Best Thesis Award, Glasgow, UK. My Ph.D. thesis was shortlisted as one of the top five informatics theses in Scotland.
  • 2018. Community Builder Award, University of Glasgow, UK. The School of Computing Science awarded my efforts to increase a sense of community within the department with a £30 prize
  • 2017. Science Slam, 2nd prize, University of Glasgow, UK.Science Slam, 2nd prize, University of Glasgow, UK. This competition is a form of communicating and teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. The presentation is judged by the audience.

Public Engagement

  • 2021. COP26 , Glasgow, UK. We presented our Envirofy research in the Green Zone.
  • 2017. Science Slam 2018, 2nd prize, University of Glasgow, UK.Science Slam, 2nd prize, University of Glasgow, UK. This competition is a form of communicating and teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. The presentation is judged by the audience.



  • 2022 - 2023. With Marion Koelle I supervised one PhD student (Tong Yu).
  • 2021 - 2023. I supervised two MSc theses (Jonah-Noel Kaiser, Thu Marianski), one BSc thesis (Marco Druschba), and a student assistant (Solmaz Goodarzi), supporting me with my research, looking into sustainable online shopping, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
  • 2020. With Stephen Brewster, I co-supervised Youssef Ramadan for his honours project, University of Glasgow, UK.


Community Service

  • 2022 - 2023. SIGCHI Executive Committee's Sustainability Committee informs general SIGCHI (Special Interest Group in the field of HCI) policies on sustainability with a view to reducing the environmental impact of SIGCHI. My role in this committee was to develop guidelines for HCI curricula and to cultivate ethical research guidelines
  • 2022 - 2023. CHI 2023 Sustainability Chair, Hamburg, Germany, I supported and advised the conference organisation activities with a view to reducing the environmental impact of holding the CHI 2023 conference - the premier conference in Human-Computer Interaction (4000+ attendees), We implemented longer lunch breaks to support local businesses, collaborated with public transport in Hamburg and with the Deutsche Bahn to promote sustainable travel to and during the conference.
  • 2022 - 2023. Life in Academia , University of Oldenburg, Germany. Life in Academia is a series of talks which engages experts and interested audiences in critical conversations around academia. The topics of these seminars offer a wide variety of impulses, ranging from academic culture, well-being, and societal norms, as well as their interplay with each other. I am the found and co-organiser of Life in Academia.
  • 2023. Organisation of scientific meetings: CHI 2023, CHI Play 2022, TEI 2023, CHI 2019 SV, ICMI 2017 SV Chair
  • 2023. I regularly review for the IEEE, ACM, and SIGCHI, including conferences such as ACM CHI, MobileHCI, ICMI, AutoUI, MuC, and UIST. I have reviewed at least 55 conference papers and 2 journal papers.
  • 2020 - 2021. I was a member of GWiCS, University of Glasgow, UK. GWiCS is an organisation that promotes women in CS, their career progression, and issues regarding equal opportunity. My main responsibility was advertisement of the GWiCS seminars.

Invited Talks



  • L. Kuijer, K. Kaipainen, N.J. Bidwell, M. Fiedler, A. Friday, M. Hassenzahl, C. Lallemand, M. Laschke, D. Lockton, T. Olsson, A. Raake, K. Väänänen, E. Sari, G. Shakeri: Towards a HCI Community that Prioritises Environmental Sustainability: Reflections on a Collection of Fictions In CHI (under review), 2024.


  • Yu, T., Shakeri, G., Koelle, M.: "If you don't feel guilty, you won't take responsibility" - Co-Speculating on Digital Technologies That Encourage Sustainable Consumption In NordiCHI, 2024. Link.
  • Di Campli San Vito, P., Yang, X., Ross, J., Shakeri, G., Brewster, S., Venkatesh, S., Street, A., Fachner, J., Fernie, P., Muller-Rodriguez, L., Hung Hsu, M., Odell-Miller, H., Shaji, H., Itaborai, P., Farina, N., Banerjee, S., Kirke, A., and Miranda, E.: RadioMe: Adaptive Radio with Music Intervention and Reminder System for People with Dementia in Their Own Home In Augmented Humans, 2024. Link.
  • N. Kumar, A. Friday, A. Light, J. Jacques, M.L. Mauriello, K. Gerling, R. Soden, G. Shakeri , N.J. Bidwell, V. Sharma: There is no Plan(et) B: On sustainability in/and HCI In IX Interactions, 2024. Link.
  • Kaiser, J.-N., Yu, T., Koelle, M., Shakeri, G.: Scan for Sustainability: Designing Interventions with the Behaviour Change Wheel to Support In-Store Sustainable Grocery Shopping. In Arxiv, 2024. Link.


  • Shakeri, G., Jung, F., Galeote, D., Altarriba-Bertran, F., Friday, A.: Towards Supporting Sustainable Grocery Shopping through Joyful Technology: Annotated Portfolio of Speculative Ideas. In arxiv.org, 2023. Link.
  • Druschba, M., Shakeri, G.: Scale-Score: Food Label to Support Nutritious and Sustainable Online Grocery Shopping. In ICT4S, 2023. Link.
  • Druschba, M., Shakeri, G.: Scale-Score: Investigation of a Meta yet Multi-level Label to Support Nutritious and Sustainable Food Choices When Online Grocery Shopping. In arxiv.org, 2023. Link.
  • Di Campli San Vito, P., Shakeri, G., Ross, J. Yang, X., Brewster, S.: Development of a Real-Time Stress Detection System for Older Adults with Heart Rate Data. In PETRA, 2023. Link.
  • Shakeri, G.: Hedonistic Sustainability: Joy as a Fundamental Component in Sustainability Communication. In CHI 2023 Workshop: HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures, 2023. Link.


  • Shakeri, G.: Characteristics of a CS Graduate Student. In ARXIV, 2022. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., Jung, F., Altarriban, F. B., Galeote, D., Friday, A.: Eco-Joy: Imagining Sustainable and Joyful Food Eco-label Futures. In NordiCHI 2022 Workshop, 2022. Link.
  • Shakeri, G.: Digital Sustainable Future?: A Chat with Scientists. In CHI 2022 Online Workshop: Feminist Voices about Ecological Issues in HCI, 2022. Link.


  • Nicolas Farina, Alex Street, Alexis Kirke, Jörg Fachner, Helen Odell-Miller, David Moffat, Satvik Venkatesh, Gözel Shakeri, Stephen Brewster, Sube Banerjee, and Eduardo Reck Miranda: Real-time radio remixing for people with mild to moderate dementia who live alone, incorporating agitation reduction, and reminders (RadioMe): A Protocol paper. Submitted to International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Special Issue on Advances in Human-Centred Dementia Technology, 2021  Link.
  • Shakeri, G., McCallum, C. H.: Envirofy: Behaviour Change Wheel based Tool for Sustainable Online Grocery Shopping. In INTERACT, 2021. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., McCallum, C. H.: Envirofy your Shop: a real time tool to support eco-friendly food purchases online. Climate Exp0, 2021.
  • Shakeri, G., McCallum, C. H.: Envirofy: a Real-time Tool to Support Eco-friendly Food Purchases Online. In CHI Workshops/Symposia, 2021. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., McCallum, C. H.: Envirofy your Shop: Development of a Real-time Tool to Support Eco-friendly Food Purchases Online. In CHI Late-Breaking-Work, 2021. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., Brewster, S., Vankatesh, S., Moffat, D., Kirke, A., Fachner, J., Odell-Miller, H., Street, A., Farina, N., Banerjee, S., Reck Miranda, E.: RadioMe: challenges during the development of a real time tool to support People with Dementia. In CHI Workshops on Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations – AddressingGlobal Challenges, 2021. Link.
  • Vankatesh, S., Moffat, D., Kirke, A., Shakeri, G., Brewster, S., Fachner, J., Odell-Miller, H., Street, A., Farina, N., Banerjee, S., Reck Miranda, E.: Speech and Music Detection in Radio Broadcast. In ICASSP, 2021. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., Brewster, S.: Dynamic Cutaneous Push Messages from the Steering Wheel. In ARXIV, 2021. Link.


  • Shakeri, G.: Multimodal feedback for mid-air gestures when driving. In Ph.D. Thesis, 2020. Link.
    • Short-listed for SICSA Best Thesis Award, 2020. Link.
    • 2nd prize at Science Slam, 2018. Link.


  • Shakeri, G., Freeman, E., Andersson, C., Frier, W., Iodice, M., Long, B., Georgiou, O.: Three-in-one: Levitation, ParametricAudio, and Mid-Air Haptic Feedback. In CHI, 2019. Link.
  • Di Campli San Vito, P., Shakeri, G., Brewster, S., Pollick, F., Brown, E., Skrypchuk, L., Mouzakitis, A.: Haptic Navigation Cues on the Steering Wheel. In CHI, 2019. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., Freeman, E., Brewster, S.: Multimodal Feedback for Mid-Air Gestures during the Lane Change Task. In ARXIV, 2019. Link.


  • Shakeri, G., Williamson, J. H., Brewsters, S.: May the Force Be with You: Ultrasound Haptic Feedback for Mid-Air Gesture Interaction in Cars. In AutoUI, 2018. Link.


  • Loriet, A., Shakeri, G.: Agent Metaphor for Autonomous Driving. In DIS Workshops on Setting the Stage with Metaphors for Interaction, 2017.
  • Shakeri, G., Williamson, J. H., Brewsters, S.: Bimodal Feedback for In-Car Mid-Air Gesture Interaction. In ICMI, 2017. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., Williamson, J. H., Brewsters, S.: Novel Multimodal Feedback Techniques for In-Car Mid-Air Gesture Interaction. In AutoUI, 2017. Link.


  • Shakeri, G., Ng, A., Williamson, J. H., Brewsters, S.: Evaluating Haptic Patterns on a Steering Wheel. In AutoUI, 2016. Link.
  • Shakeri, G.: Novel Multimodal Mid-Air Gesture Displays for Drivers. In SICSA HCI DC, 2016. Link.
  • Shakeri, G., Ng, A., Williamson, J. H., Brewsters, S.: Evaluating Haptic Feedback on a Steering Wheel in a Simulated Driving Scenario. In CHI LBW, 2016. Link.
  • Freeman E., Vo D., Wilson G., Shakeri G., and Brewster S.: Towards Mid-Air Haptic Widgets. In CHI Workshops on Mid-Air Haptics and Displays: Systems forUn-instrumented Mid-Air Interactions., 2016. Link.